Brother Dege: Delta-Blues wie ihn die Gemeinde erwartet

Dege ist ein US-amerikanischer Bluesmusiker aus den Südstaaten und wurde insbesondere durch den „Django“-Soundtrack in Deutschland bekannt.


Der kraftvolle, fast meditative Sound der Band trifft ins Mark und dürfte Blues-Fans in aller Welt in ihren Bann ziehen. Mit dem „Blues im Herzen und der Leidenschaft einer Rockband“ haben sich Brother Dege & The Brotherhood of Blues mittlerweile ein ziemliches Alleinstellungsmerkmal erspielt.


Das ist offensichtlich auch Quentin Tarantino nicht verborgen geblieben, als er Dege’s Song „Too old to die young“ in seinen Kultwestern und den Grammy nominierten Soundtrack von „Django unchained“ integrierte. Auch die Netflix-Serie „Damnation“ und weitere Filmemacher folgten diesem Beispiel.


Seine Songs sind elegische Hymnen an die flirrende Hitze seiner Heimat Louisiana und ihrer Menschen. Sie handeln von der Vergänglichkeit und Tiefgründigkeit des Lebens und spiegeln das Zeitgeschehen wider. Genau darin zeigen sich seine feine Beobachtungsgabe und sein großartiges Talent als Singer/Songwriter, der seine Songs wie ein „Preacher of Blues“ unter das Volk „donnert“.


Dege spielt Slidegitarre wie der Teufel in der ruhelosen Tradition der Altmeister und haucht dem Delta-Blues neues Leben ein. Mit dem rauen 'Twang' seiner Dobro beschwört er die Geister der Vergangenheit und singt von seinen Erfahrungen im Süden der USA, wo er mit Sümpfen als Spielwiese aufwuchs. Seine Songs sind so bildlich, dass sie förmlich nach einer Verfilmung schreien. Man spürt den Staub der Landstraßen in seiner Kehle, man hört in seiner Dobro das Knistern einer Scheune, die bald einer Feuersbrunst zum Opfer fallen wird. Aber auch Elemente aus Southern Rock, Independent und Psychedelic fließen mit ein.


Dege und seine Band sind mit ihrer Vision des Delta-Blues mit Einflüssen von Southern Rock, Indie, Folk und Psychedelic sind seit 25.10. auf Tour in D, CH, B und A.


Und hier ein paar „Appetithappen“:
Country comes to town (Clip):
Partial to the bitters 2 (instrumental):

Too Old To Die Young (Django):


Live mit Band:






Torgau - Kulturbastion




Trostberg - Postsaal




Ohrdruf - Wohnzimmerkonzert




Weil am Rhein - Kesselhaus




B - St. Vith - Kino Corso




Unna - Lindenbrauerei




Salzgitter - Kniestädter Kirche




Storkow/Mark - Palas der Burg Storkow




Berchtesgaden - Kuckucksnest




Bad Aibling - Kurhaus




Biberach/Riss - Kulturhalle Abdera




Geislingen/Steige - Rätsche




Garching - Bürgerhaus, Bluesnight




A - Schwaz - Eremitage




Fürth - Kulturforum




Langenargen - Münzhof




CH-Aarau - KIFF (Support: The Two)




Nagold - Alte Seminarturnhalle




Brackenheim - Kapelle im Schloss



Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 48
  • #1

    Julia Marie (Dienstag, 10 März 2020 20:26)

    Waarm Gréiss un all déi dëse Message liest ech sinn d'Julia Marie an ech sinn hei fir Saache ganz einfach fir all Prêt Bedruch Affer ze maachen an sicht och no Prêt.Ech gouf vu menge Suen dupéiert mee ech krut spéider e richtege Mann vu Gott. Ech liesen seng Annonce Ech an ech hu kontaktéiert him hunn ech dëse Kreditgeber e Mann vu Gott genannt well hie meng Prêt beäntwert huet. Ech si ganz frou, datt ech e Mann wéi dësen begéint hunn, dëst ass e ganz einfache Wee fir e Prêt ze kréien vun engem vertrauenswürdege Mann huet eng Prêtsfirma an Amerika, Nordamerika. An den Numm vun der Firma ass (WEST LAKE FINANCE HOME) Ech maachen mäi verständlecht Zeegnes an alle soziale Medien well ech him versprach hunn datt ech der ganzer Welt géif matdeelen. Notéiert dëse Prêt ass op 2% Zënssaz an ech weess all verständlech Persoun wäert interesséiert sinn. Wann Dir e Prêt wëllt, kontaktéiert hien ouni Angscht well ech sinn e liewege Zeien. Kontakt Detailer
    WhatSapp: +16014560144

  • #2

    Hunnam (Samstag, 09 September 2023 19:58)

    Mein Zeugnis darüber, wie ich Mitglied der Illuminaten wurde. Ich möchte Menschen treffen, die sich den großen Illuminati als großartiges Mitglied anschließen wollen und die mich als großartiges Mitglied haben wollen. Sein Name ist Lord Felix Morgan. Hilf mir, mein Leben aus der Phase des Todes zu erholen. Entlassung nach etwa 2 Jahren und sechs Monaten. Nachdem er von so vielen Mitgliedern der Illuminaten verraten wurde. Über die Jahre war ich hoffnungslos und finanziell am Boden. Aber eines Tages stieß ich beim Stöbern im Internet auf den Beitrag des großen Illuminati-Lords Felix Morgan, in dem stand, dass man berühmt, reich und erfolgreich im Leben sein kann, wenn man einer der großen Illuminaten ist. Ich kontaktierte ihn und erklärte ihm alles und er empfahl mir das verwendete Register und ich bezahlte das große Mitglied, um mir den Einstieg zu erleichtern, und ich wurde in die Illuminati-Weltordnung eingeweiht. Danach gaben sie mir alle Richtlinien und teilten mir mit, dass die neuen Mitglieder nach der Aufnahme mit einer Summe von 1.000.000 US-Dollar in bar belohnt werden. Mit der Hilfe von Lord Felix Morgan. Ich wurde vollständig als vollwertiges Mitglied der Illuminaten initiiert. Wenn Sie raten, dass Sie es schon einmal mit einem Betrüger versucht haben oder es bereits versucht haben, liegt es an mir, Ihnen beim Beitritt zu helfen. Versuchen Sie es also mit Lord Morgan. Es ist Ihre beste Chance, in Ihrem zukünftigen Leben das zu werden, was Sie wollen. Kontaktieren Sie ihn über WhatsApp +2348055459757 oder per E-Mail:

  • #3

    Kathy Callis (Donnerstag, 14 Dezember 2023 13:11)

    Now a major force in the bitcoin recovery industry, Rustik Cyber Hack Service offers businesses and people a lifeline to recover digital assets that have been lost, stolen, or rendered unavailable. In the constantly changing world of virtual currencies, recovery services that are dependable and efficient are essential. Cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the way we perceive and engage in financial transactions, providing a decentralized and secure system. However, with the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, cybercriminals have also stepped up their game, targeting unsuspecting individuals and organizations to steal their digital assets. As a result, the need for effective cryptocurrency recovery solutions has become paramount. Cryptocurrency transactions can be complex, involving multiple addresses, exchanges, and blockchain networks. This complexity poses a significant challenge when it comes to recovery. However, Rustik Cyber Hack Service has a deep understanding of how these transactions work, allowing them to navigate through the intricacies and efficiently trace the flow of funds. Rustik Cyber Hack Service doesn’t shy away from the obstacles that come with cryptocurrency recovery. Whether it’s tracking funds across different blockchains, dealing with anonymized addresses, or tackling sophisticated hacking techniques, they employ a range of strategies to overcome these challenges. Their team of experts leaves no stone unturned, utilizing their extensive knowledge and experience to recover lost or stolen assets. I can guarantee a safer recovery of your bitcoin by Rustik Cyber Hack Service only if you contact them via: email: or Call/WhatsApp:+1(386)3487838 Telegram:

  • #4

    james (Dienstag, 19 Dezember 2023 21:27)


    I was actually fooled and scammed over ( $345,000 ) by someone I trusted with my funds through a transaction we did and I feel so disappointed and hurt knowing that someone can steal from you without remorse after trusting them, so I started searching for help legally to recover my stolen funds and came across a lot of Testimonials about ETHICREFINANCE Recovery Expert who helps in recovery lost funds, which I can tell has helped so many people who had contacted them regarding such issues and without a questionable doubt their funds was returned back to their wallet in a very short space of time, it took the expert 21 hours to help me recover my funds and the best part of it all was that the scammers was actually located and arrested by local authorities in his region which was very relieving. Hope this helps as many people who have lost their hard earn money to scammers out of trust, you can reach him through the link below for help to recover your scammed funds and thank me later.
    Email Address: ethicsrefinance @gmail. com
    telegram: @ethicsrefinance

  • #5

    Allen Barnes (Freitag, 22 Dezember 2023 07:46)


    Recovery of Lost Crypto; Binary options scam, Investment scams, Loans scam Etc.
    What happens after losing Bitcoin to Fraudsters?
    You can choose to accept the loss and give the con artists your hard-earned money, or you can choose the second choice.
    As a result of your failure to stop the scammers, additional people will become victims, many of whom will most likely be your friends or relatives.
    As an alternative, you can contact bitcoin recovery professionals like Captain WebGenesis at  Email add (Captainwebgenesis @ hackermail. com) who will assist you in tracing and recovering your bitcoin. Captain WebGenesis collaborates with law enforcement to help catch these con artists. You can proceed as long as you know the wallet address of the con artist.
    I wish you success in getting your bitcoin back.

    WhatsApp; +1 701 314 2729.
    Learn More;

  • #6

    Asorehackcorp (Mittwoch, 03 Januar 2024 12:21)


    ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.

    Stay Safe out there !

  • #7

    Stellar (Freitag, 19 Januar 2024 13:58)

    Dies ist meine Aussage darüber, wie ich mich schließlich der neuen Weltordnung, den Illuminati, angeschlossen habe, nachdem ich schon seit über zwei Jahren versucht habe, beizutreten, aber Betrüger mir mehrmals Geld weggenommen haben. Ich habe schon so lange versucht, den Illuminaten beizutreten, aber Betrüger stehlen mir weiterhin Geld, bis ich mich Anfang dieses Jahres online mit Lord Felix Morgan treffe. Ich kontaktierte ihn und erklärte ihm alles. Er empfahl mir die Registrierung und ich bezahlte Ein großes Mitglied hat mir den Einstieg erleichtert und ich wurde in die Weltordnung eingeweiht. Nach Abschluss meiner Einweihung erhalte ich die Summe von 1.000.000 US-Dollar. Ich bin sehr glücklich! Und versprechen Sie, die gute Arbeit von Lord Felix Morgan zu verbreiten. Wenn Sie noch heute daran interessiert sind, der neuen Weltordnung der Illuminati beizutreten, wenden Sie sich noch heute an Lord Felix Morgan. Er ist Ihre beste Chance, Mitglied der Illuminati zu werden, die Sie sich immer wünschen. Kontaktieren Sie Lord Felix Morgan per E-Mail: oder WhatsApp +2348055459757

  • #8

    Mark Heltor (Mittwoch, 14 Februar 2024 15:24)

    Many fake crypto trading platforms have successfully managed to con victims of their hard-earned money. A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a crypto trader on Instagram who claimed to be a manager on a trading platform, he convinced me to invest my money into crypto mining hoping to make huge profits from it, I was convinced when I saw my account balance on their platform, but when I wanted to withdraw my earnings, they kept requesting for money for tax and other unnecessary fees. I realized then that I was being catfished, I stopped all communication and went to the internet to do my research about crypto when I came across Firmwall Cyber Security Service, a well reliable crypto recovery company, I was very pleased with the reviews I saw about this crypto recovery company and I contacted them to assist me to recover my crypto, I gave them all the information and within a few hours, Firmwall Cyber Security was able to recover my crypto assets. I’m truly grateful for their service and I highly recommend them

    E-mail = Firmwallcyber@techie. com
    Web =
    Whats App = + 1 937 542 0667

  • #9

    Prof Ibrahim (Mittwoch, 14 Februar 2024 17:53)

    Many people still question whether love spells work or not, permanent or effective. This can be based on past experiences where they tried some spell casters but were not fully satisfied with their results or the love spells worked for just a short period and sometimes even never saw any results. To avoid such situations you have to be careful with the spell casters you approach, some are limited with certain Spiritual powers to cast good love spells to help people in their relationships or marriages. Many good love spell casters are out there in the world (Africa, Asia, and so on) Yes, love spells really work, whether you are in a situation where you want to bring back your lost lover (lost lover spell), you want to get married to someone in a relationship (marriage spells), to increase love in your relationship (love affection spells) and many other related love spells, you will get help. It does not matter where you are or where your partner is, you don't have to be unhappy about a situation you can solve,, it is all about finding a good love spell to change your love life. Prof Ibrahim is a celebrated love spell caster whose work has won him friendship all over the world from the people he met. To know more about spells and her wonderful work call on +27785149508. N.B. If u are in South Africa, he has private houses all over Gauteng for your privacy. E-mail us at

  • #10

    Abdul Basser (Mittwoch, 14 Februar 2024 17:53)

    Revenge spells magic is potent enough to work as casters wish. But correct items needed to dole out the revenge curse could be difficult to gather.
    If you’re keen to know how to cast a revenge spell that really works, you need help from expert chanters. Experienced anchors will help you cast a potent, timely return revenge spell without hassle. When you’ve got correct hands handling your enchantment, making the most of your experience doling out revenge is easy.

    Revenge spells to punish someone until you are fully avenged. Revenge spells to teach someone a lesson they will never forget using voodoo revenge spells. My spells of revenge will inflict serious harm on your enemies, so do not use my revenge spells unless you are sure. Revenge spells for cheaters & your enemies. Revenge spells and curses to help you get the ultimate revenge. Voodoo revenge spells for cheaters, ex lovers, your enemies & people who want to harm you. Give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot & to punish your enemies with revenge curses & spells for revenge.

    Did someone cheat on you and broke your heart, then get my revenge spells to mete out some strong revenge against your ex-lover. My revenge spells will ensure that your cheating lover will never cheat again for the rest of his life. Fix their love life to be a disaster with love revenge spells.

    If your husband is cheating on your or your boyfriend is cheating on you. Punish them together with the person they are cheating on you with love revenge spells. Make a person never find love or make a person never get married with love revenge spells. Remove a love revenge spell from your love life.

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    WhatsApp +27717403094 FOR GUARANTEED RESULTS

  • #11

    Prof Ibrahim (Mittwoch, 14 Februar 2024 17:54)

    Many people still question whether love spells work or not, permanent or effective. This can be based on past experiences where they tried some spell casters but were not fully satisfied with their results or the love spells worked for just a short period and sometimes even never saw any results. To avoid such situations you have to be careful with the spell casters you approach, some are limited with certain Spiritual powers to cast good love spells to help people in their relationships or marriages. Many good love spell casters are out there in the world (Africa, Asia, and so on) Yes, love spells really work, whether you are in a situation where you want to bring back your lost lover (lost lover spell), you want to get married to someone in a relationship (marriage spells), to increase love in your relationship (love affection spells) and many other related love spells, you will get help. It does not matter where you are or where your partner is, you don't have to be unhappy about a situation you can solve,, it is all about finding a good love spell to change your love life. Prof Ibrahim is a celebrated love spell caster whose work has won him friendship all over the world from the people he met. To know more about spells and her wonderful work call on +27785149508. N.B. If u are in South Africa, he has private houses all over Gauteng for your privacy. E-mail us at

  • #12

    Hakeem Ahemd (Mittwoch, 14 Februar 2024 17:55)

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    Psychic Guru want to appreciate everyone that have contacted him, and those that send him gift, all those that have written their testimonies online,

    Love spells with guaranteed results that work immediately are spells designed with very powerful magic and strong potions that are designed to solve all kinds of relationship problems that one might be facing in real life. Therefore, if you are looking for results, I guarantee you to get everything you are looking for. There are many spell casters but very few do their work with guaranteed results that is why you are going to summon me in your life such that I give you the results you are looking for. When casting my spells, I use spiritual energies or a power that is why I have the best and most reliable online love spells. for help, you can contact me through the contact form below as soon as possible.
    Psychic Guru
    Psychic Guru Love Spell Caster Specialist,Visit, You can also talk to him on WhatsApp +27788392740 for more info.

  • #13

    Henry Mike (Freitag, 01 März 2024 02:35)

    There is always a chance of getting what you lost to scammers back. I'm not a cybersecurity expert, but I can offer some general recommendations on what you can do if your cryptocurrency has been stolen. It's important to understand that recovering stolen cryptocurrency can be incredibly difficult for recovery, except when you meet the right agent, and in many cases, many scammers are pretending to be legit agents. However, there is every possibility of recovering your funds, With the help of Saclux Comptech Specialst, God used them to help me get all my stolen USDT back after a friend of mine who is nowhere to be found introduced an investment platform to me hoping to get my return in 60days. When it was time for me to withdraw my 60-day bill investment, they refused to let me withdraw it into my wallet in coinbase, they asked me for 3% of the total of the money I invested, That was when it was done to me that I had been scammed. Fast forward,  a Saclux Comptech Specialst came to me in the process of searching for solutions on how to get my money back, I gave them a try and they proved to me they are the best when it comes to the recovery process. Thank you for helping me recover all my money back without asking for an upfront payment. You can reach out to them via:  
    Whatsapp: +44 7458 693890

  • #14

    Ruth Williams (Montag, 04 März 2024 14:27)

    I have to share my experience on how I was saved by a good recovery agent who was recommended by a friend after investing in Bitcoin. I bought a Bitcoin wealth of 250,000 euros for an investment platform called Flaregain. com. When it was time for me to withdraw my investment, they logged me out and demanded payment of 5,000 euros before I could have access to my login investment platform, which I did. They still ask me to pay more money and I refuse because a legit investment platform can never ask you for money after investing in their platform. During the process of asking questions and checking Google, Saclux Comptech Specialst was recommended to me and they came through for me and they are very passionate and dedicated to their recovery job. They are positive in their work and they genuinely care also to assist you in getting your stolen money back, just the same way they help me recover all my stolen investment money. Contact info:  
    Whatsapp: +44 7458 693890

  • #15

    Faith James (Dienstag, 12 März 2024 21:28)

    Hello everyone! I have always wanted to advise you guys about how we need to be very cautious about the world around us, I'm talking about our cybersecurity, digital marketing, investment and so on. Just about a few weeks ago, I met some investment firms which turned out to be fraudsters. I was defrauded of my USDT about $343k. That was the amount I deposited through my Blockchain wallet. They convinced me that the funds I deposited were going to make a lot of profit. However, I have to make another deposit of 8k USDT to activate my investment. It became obvious that these guys were scammers. They took all my money and blocked me. I felt so bad and depressed then, but I never gave up. Searched for several recovery hackers who could help me with the fund's recovery. Read so many reviews and testimonies of several hackers and I randomly picked Salux Comptech Speialst (, one of the hackers that brought solutions to my fraud-type of circumstances. I challenged myself to give them a trial even though I was doubted at first, I just had to take the risk and eventually, my stolen money was recovered. It feels like I'm still in their debt for such a trustworthy service. If they were some fraudsters they would have just defrauded me again because I paid them before my recovery service was rendered. Find out more details by reaching out to them.

    Whats: +44 7458 693890 

  • #16

    Alexis Garcia (Samstag, 30 März 2024 23:23)

    This is a warning to all bitcoin investors. Don’t be a victim. Most investments and most of the companies out there are fraudulent. They are all scams. I have been a victim of their activities. I invested about $170,000 and when I wanted to withdraw after some weeks, I could not withdraw my money. I assumed they were having some maintenance routine checks, since that had happened in the past. I was contacted again and was asked to invest more which I refused and told them I wanted to withdraw my money. After this, I didn’t hear from them again. At this point, I started to feel like I had been duped. I was shattered as I had lost all my savings. I was depressed and frustrated. I was too ashamed to tell anyone about it, not even my children. I finally summoned some courage to tell my friend who came to visit me. She introduced me to Refundd Polici Recovery, a firm that specializes in helping people get their money back. I contacted Refundd Polici Recovery and I was guided on the way to recover most of my money. Getting $110,000 of my money back was a great feeling, as I had given up all hope. Thanks to my friend Sara for encouraging me to reach out to them via refunddpolici(@)gmail(.)com and Whatsapp +1 (972) 998‑2755. You can contact Refundd Polici Recovery if you fall into a similar situation.

  • #17

    Alexis Garcia (Samstag, 30 März 2024 23:24)

    This is a warning to all bitcoin investors. Don’t be a victim. Most investments and most of the companies out there are fraudulent. They are all scams. I have been a victim of their activities. I invested about $170,000 and when I wanted to withdraw after some weeks, I could not withdraw my money. I assumed they were having some maintenance routine checks, since that had happened in the past. I was contacted again and was asked to invest more which I refused and told them I wanted to withdraw my money. After this, I didn’t hear from them again. At this point, I started to feel like I had been duped. I was shattered as I had lost all my savings. I was depressed and frustrated. I was too ashamed to tell anyone about it, not even my children. I finally summoned some courage to tell my friend who came to visit me. She introduced me to Refundd Polici Recovery, a firm that specializes in helping people get their money back. I contacted Refundd Polici Recovery and I was guided on the way to recover most of my money. Getting $110,000 of my money back was a great feeling, as I had given up all hope. Thanks to my friend Sara for encouraging me to reach out to them via refunddpolici(@)gmail(.)com and Whatsapp +1 (972) 998‑2755. You can contact Refundd Polici Recovery if you fall into a similar situation.

  • #18

    Henk (Montag, 08 April 2024 15:40)

    Dies ist meine Aussage darüber, wie ich mich schließlich der neuen Weltordnung, den Illuminati, angeschlossen habe, nachdem ich schon seit über zwei Jahren versucht habe, beizutreten, aber Betrüger mir mehrmals Geld weggenommen haben. Ich habe schon so lange versucht, den Illuminaten beizutreten, aber Betrüger stehlen mir weiterhin Geld, bis ich Anfang dieses Jahres Lord Felix Morgan online treffe, ihn kontaktierte und ihm alles erklärte und er mir die verwendete Registrierung empfahl und ich dafür bezahlte Ein großes Mitglied hat mir den Einstieg erleichtert und ich wurde in die Weltordnung eingeweiht. Nach Abschluss meiner Einweihung erhalte ich die Summe von 1.000.000 US-Dollar. Ich bin sehr glücklich! Und versprechen Sie, die gute Arbeit von Lord Felix Morgan zu verbreiten. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich noch heute der Illuminati der neuen Weltordnung anzuschließen, wenden Sie sich noch heute an Lord Felix Morgan. Er ist Ihre beste Chance, Mitglied der Illuminaten zu werden, die Sie sich immer wünschen. Kontaktieren Sie Lord Felix Morgan per E-Mail: oder WhatsApp +2348055459757

  • #19

    Janice Hayes (Freitag, 19 April 2024 17:19)

    This is a stern warning to all bitcoin investors. Don’t be a victim to these faceless online fake investments. Most of the companies out there are fraudulent. They are all scam and fake. I've been a victim of their activities. I invested about USD195k and when I wanted to withdraw after some weeks afterwards, I couldn't. I assumed they were having some maintenance/update routine checks, since that had happened in the past. I contacted the customer care and also the broker that convinced me to make the investment and was asked to invest more which I refused and told them I wanted to withdraw my money. After this, I didn’t hear from them again. At this point, I started to feel like I had been duped. I was shattered as I had lost all my savings. I was depressed and frustrated. I was too ashamed to tell anyone about it, not even my children. I finally summoned some courage to tell my friend who came to visit me. She introduced me to Refundd Polici Recovery, a firm that specializes in helping people get their money back. I contacted Refundd Polici Recovery and I was guided on the way to recover most of my money. Getting USD120k of my money back was a great feeling, as I had given up all hope. Thanks to my friend Julianna for encouraging me to reach out to them via refunddpolici (@)gmail . com and Whatsapp +1 (972) 998‑2755. You can contact Refundd Polici Recovery if you find yourself in a similar situation and i urge you to be optimistic and positive.

  • #20

    Emily (Freitag, 26 April 2024 12:01)

    Dies ist meine Aussage darüber, wie ich mich schließlich der neuen Weltordnung, den Illuminati, angeschlossen habe, nachdem ich schon seit über zwei Jahren versucht habe, beizutreten, aber Betrüger mir mehrmals Geld weggenommen haben. Ich habe schon so lange versucht, den Illuminaten beizutreten, aber Betrüger stehlen mir weiterhin Geld, bis ich Anfang dieses Jahres Lord Felix Morgan online treffe, ihn kontaktierte und ihm alles erklärte und er mir die verwendete Registrierung empfahl und ich dafür bezahlte Ein großes Mitglied hat mir den Einstieg erleichtert und ich wurde in die Weltordnung eingeweiht. Nach Abschluss meiner Einweihung erhalte ich die Summe von 4.000.000 US-Dollar. Ich bin sehr glücklich! Und versprechen Sie, die gute Arbeit von Lord Felix Morgan zu verbreiten. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich noch heute der Illuminati der neuen Weltordnung anzuschließen, wenden Sie sich noch heute an Lord Felix Morgan. Er ist Ihre beste Chance, Mitglied der Illuminaten zu werden, die Sie sich immer wünschen. Kontaktieren Sie Lord Felix Morgan per E-Mail: oder WhatsApp +2348055459757

  • #21

    Laura Morgan (Mittwoch, 01 Mai 2024)

    I am incredibly grateful for the exceptional service provided by Refundd Polici Recovery services in recovering my stolen Bitcoin and USDT. After experiencing the distress of having my cryptocurrency stolen,I contacted them via their Email address (Refunddpolici @ Gmail. Com and WhatsApp : ‪+1 (972) 998‑2755‬ ).
    Their team stepped in with professionalism and expertise. Through their diligent efforts and expertise in tracking digital assets, they were able to successfully recover my funds, restoring my peace of mind and financial security. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of assistance with cryptocurrency recovery."

  • #22

    Emily (Mittwoch, 01 Mai 2024 11:08)

    Dies ist meine Aussage darüber, wie ich mich schließlich der neuen Weltordnung, den Illuminati, angeschlossen habe, nachdem ich schon seit über zwei Jahren versucht habe, beizutreten, aber Betrüger mir mehrmals Geld weggenommen haben. Ich habe schon so lange versucht, den Illuminaten beizutreten, aber Betrüger stehlen mir weiterhin Geld, bis ich Anfang dieses Jahres Lord Felix Morgan online treffe, ihn kontaktierte und ihm alles erklärte und er mir die verwendete Registrierung empfahl und ich dafür bezahlte Ein großes Mitglied hat mir den Einstieg erleichtert und ich wurde in die Weltordnung eingeweiht. Nach Abschluss meiner Einweihung erhalte ich die Summe von 4.000.000 US-Dollar. Ich bin sehr glücklich! Und versprechen Sie, die gute Arbeit von Lord Felix Morgan zu verbreiten. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich noch heute der Illuminati der neuen Weltordnung anzuschließen, wenden Sie sich noch heute an Lord Felix Morgan. Er ist Ihre beste Chance, Mitglied der Illuminaten zu werden, die Sie sich immer wünschen. Kontaktieren Sie Lord Felix Morgan per E-Mail: oder WhatsApp +2348055459757

  • #23

    Emily (Mittwoch, 01 Mai 2024 11:10)

    Dies ist meine Aussage darüber, wie ich mich schließlich der neuen Weltordnung, den Illuminati, angeschlossen habe, nachdem ich schon seit über zwei Jahren versucht habe, beizutreten, aber Betrüger mir mehrmals Geld weggenommen haben. Ich habe schon so lange versucht, den Illuminaten beizutreten, aber Betrüger stehlen mir weiterhin Geld, bis ich Anfang dieses Jahres Lord Felix Morgan online treffe, ihn kontaktierte und ihm alles erklärte und er mir die verwendete Registrierung empfahl und ich dafür bezahlte Ein großes Mitglied hat mir den Einstieg erleichtert und ich wurde in die Weltordnung eingeweiht. Nach Abschluss meiner Einweihung erhalte ich die Summe von 4.000.000 US-Dollar. Ich bin sehr glücklich! Und versprechen Sie, die gute Arbeit von Lord Felix Morgan zu verbreiten. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich noch heute der Illuminati der neuen Weltordnung anzuschließen, wenden Sie sich noch heute an Lord Felix Morgan. Er ist Ihre beste Chance, Mitglied der Illuminaten zu werden, die Sie sich immer wünschen. Kontaktieren Sie Lord Felix Morgan per E-Mail: oder WhatsApp +2348055459757

  • #24

    Robin Arturo (Freitag, 03 Mai 2024 01:40)

    Unlock Your Frozen Cryptocurrency: Expert Guidance from iBolt Cyber Hacker

    Cryptocurrency holders often encounter the distressing situation of frozen assets due to various reasons such as lost keys, exchange freezes, or regulatory issues. If you find yourself in this predicament, iBolt Cyber Hacker offers a lifeline to unfreeze your digital wealth and restore access to your funds. Whether your cryptocurrency is frozen due to technical glitches, legal issues, or other unforeseen circumstances, iBolt Cyber Hacker is equipped to address the challenge. Their proven track record of success and commitment to excellence make them the premier choice for individuals and businesses seeking to regain control of their digital asset

    Contact iBolt Cyber Hacker
    My Recommendation.

    More Info:
    Email: Support @ iboltcyberhack . com
    Contact/Whatsapp: +39 350 929 0318
    Website: https : // iboltcyberhack . com /

  • #25

    Julie Schwartz (Sonntag, 05 Mai 2024 16:34)

    People should be wary and careful of all these Recovery stories and companies because most of them are thieves behind the keyboard.
    I fell victim to another scam here when I searched and looked up ways to recover my stolen BITCOIN and USDT in the hands of a recovery company/hacker known as “Final Destination “ Recovery services.
    He posed and made me believe he could recover my stolen funds which after wasting my time and resources he ended up stealing more from me.
    I made a police report and luckily on my way home, Janet an officer gave me the contact of Refundd Polici Recovery Services as she made me believe they assisted in recovering fully her cousin’s USD750.000 that was lost in fake investment platform which turned out to be a ponzi.
    I contacted them immediately and unbelievably they got my whole funds back after a little back and forth because at first I had some doubts but went ahead with them because I was convinced officer Janet wouldn’t deceive nor lie to me.
    Here is the contact details of Refundd Polici Recovery Services
    WhatsApp ; ‪+1 (972) 998‑2755‬
    Email : Refunddpolici @ gmail. Com

  • #26

    Emily (Mittwoch, 08 Mai 2024 01:42)

    Dies ist meine Aussage darüber, wie ich mich schließlich der neuen Weltordnung, den Illuminati, angeschlossen habe, nachdem ich schon seit über zwei Jahren versucht habe, beizutreten, aber Betrüger mir mehrmals Geld weggenommen haben. Ich habe schon so lange versucht, den Illuminaten beizutreten, aber Betrüger stehlen mir weiterhin Geld, bis ich Anfang dieses Jahres Lord Felix Morgan online treffe, ihn kontaktierte und ihm alles erklärte und er mir die verwendete Registrierung empfahl und ich dafür bezahlte Ein großes Mitglied hat mir den Einstieg erleichtert und ich wurde in die Weltordnung eingeweiht. Nach Abschluss meiner Einweihung erhalte ich die Summe von 4.000.000 US-Dollar. Ich bin sehr glücklich! Und versprechen Sie, die gute Arbeit von Lord Felix Morgan zu verbreiten. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, sich noch heute der Illuminati der neuen Weltordnung anzuschließen, wenden Sie sich noch heute an Lord Felix Morgan. Er ist Ihre beste Chance, Mitglied der Illuminaten zu werden, die Sie sich immer wünschen. Kontaktieren Sie Lord Felix Morgan per E-Mail: oder WhatsApp +2348055459757

  • #27

    kevin (Freitag, 17 Mai 2024 03:39)

    A Guide to Recruiting a Hacker to Retrieve Stolen Bitcoin.

    My gratitude is insufficient for the outstanding assistance rendered by the renowned OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. I lost a significant sum of my hard-earned money—$258k worth of Bitcoin—to an online romance fraud, which crushed me. But this group of OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS professionals quickly helped me out and proved their proficiency with crypto recovery. They recovered my lost money in an unexpectedly quick amount of time. Their unwavering efforts and dedication to ensuring client happiness really kept me afloat financially. I would heartily suggest them to anyone facing a comparable situation. Their exceptional assistance and capacity to retrieve significant quantities of cryptocurrency are unparalleled. Details about how to reach us are provided below.

    WhatsApp at +1..6..0..1..4..6..0..9..4..7..7.
    email… optimistichackergaius @


  • #28

    Pat Sattertwaite (Montag, 20 Mai 2024 20:54)

    I want to say a very big thank you to Refundd Polici Recovery because of exhibited and unparalleled strength in the affairs of crypto recovery. They stand out as the ultimate team to collaborate with if you encounter stolen/loss of digital assets or withdrawal difficulties from the platform where you’ve invested. Recently, I engaged with them to recover over USD420k trapped in an investment platform I involved with for months. I provided their team with every detail of the investment, including accounts, names, and wallet addresses to which I sent the funds. This decision proved to be the best I’ve made, especially after realizing the investment company had scammed me.
    Refundd Polici Recovery ensures swift service delivery and ensures the perpetrators face justice. They employ advanced techniques to ensure you regain access to your funds. Understandably, many individuals who have fallen victim to investment scams may still regret engaging in online services again due to the trauma of being scammed. However, I implore you to summon courage and take action. Seek assistance from Refundd Polici Recovery today and witness their remarkable capabilities. I'm grateful, and despite the time it took me to discover Refundd Polici Recovery, they ultimately fulfilled my primary objective which is recovering and giving me back my stolen funds. Without Refundd Polici Recovery intervention, I would have remained frustrated,depressed and defeated indefinitely.
    E-Mail;__ Refunddpolici@
    Whatsapp: +1 605 963 9055
    Telegram: @Refunddpolici

  • #29

    Festus Mariah (Freitag, 24 Mai 2024 15:05)

    I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your exceptional service in recovering my stolen Bitcoin. I had lost hope after falling victim to a phishing scam, but your expertise and persistence gave me a second chance.

    Saclux Comptech Specialst. I must say Your team's professionalism, guidance, and regular updates throughout the recovery process were impressive and reassuring. Your cutting-edge technology and innovative methods made the impossible possible.

    All thanks to Saclux Comptech Specialst for your tireless efforts, I have successfully recovered 95% of my stolen Bitcoin, which is a remarkable achievement. Your dedication to helping victims like me is truly admirable.

    I wholeheartedly recommend to your services to anyone facing similar challenges. They have earned my trust and appreciation, and I will always be grateful for your help in restoring my digital assets. Website:
    whatsapp: + 44 7492 213552

  • #30

    Janet Morris (Donnerstag, 06 Juni 2024 02:36)

    My experience as i fell victim to a fake investment wasn't a pleasant one as i figured out when it was already too late to be a well orchestrated and organized ponzi scheme. I ended up losing USD342k of my life savings. I made a police report and they made me understand nothing could be done to recover my lost funds since it was an internet transaction with unknown person.
    I finally came to my redemption as the work and hand of God came upon my life led me to see comments about Refundd Polici on google search about their successful stolen crypto and lost funds recovery rates so it gave me a glimpse of hope. I resorted to seeking assistance from them and it proved positive and fruitful. It was a smooth experience for me as they patiently guided me through the recovery phases using the information i provided about my stolen bitcoin experience including the screenshots and wallet address.
    I hope this helps if you ever find yourself or family member in this kind of situation and please don't feel ashamed for whatever reason to seek for assistance in regards to your sad experience and mistake that caused you to lose money on the internet.
    You can contact Refundd Polici Recovery Service through these channels
    Whatsapp; +1 (972) 998-2755
    Telegram; @Refunddpolici
    Email; Refunddpolici AT Gmail. com

  • #31

    lisa johnson (Sonntag, 23 Juni 2024 19:55)


    I just wanted to take a moment to share my incredible story of recovery and gratitude. As a woman who recently underwent surgery on my kidney, I was already dealing with a lot of stress and uncertainty. But what made it even worse was when I was scammed out of $44,000 in a cryptocurrency investment that promised me a return of $84,000. It was devastating to think that I'd lost all that money and would have to go into debt to cover my surgery expenses. But then I found Jetwebhackers, and they changed everything. They worked tirelessly to recover not only my initial investment of $44,000, but also the promised profit. I was blown away by their expertise and dedication to getting me back on my feet. Thanks to Jetwebhackers, I was able to pay for my surgery without going into debt. It's been a huge weight off my shoulders, and I'm so grateful for their help. I know that not everyone has had the same experience as me, but I want to encourage anyone who's been scammed or is struggling to get help from Jetwebhackers. They're truly amazing professionals who care about their clients and will do everything they can to get you back on track. Thank you again, Jetwebhackers - you're the real MVPs!"

    EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com

    TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

  • #32

    Paul Astorga (Samstag, 29 Juni 2024 10:37)

    Recovery companies/firm has played a crucial role in curtailing financial thefts by providing services to underserved populations who were unjustly exploited or targeted from their previous finance practices and investments, However, there will always be bad eggs in the groups like the first 2 firms I contacted before SWIFT ASSETS RECOVERY FIRM arrived and saved the day. SWIFT ASSETS RECOVERY FIRM and team have disrupted traditional financial services, offering innovative solutions that challenge established financial institutions and banking related frauds setting the standards for true excellence in this field. Unfortunately The knowledge and experience i have gained from my painful ordeal with the fraudulent platform that nearly succeeded in taking my money came at a great cost one that I had imagined would be the ruin of me. I lost my entire life savings of almost half a million dollars to a binary trading platform introduced to me by a lady I connected with on LinkedIn, she had provided me with all sorts of documents and proofs to collaborate her testimony which I later discovered were all fakes. I blamed myself deeply for trusting her words and being a novice in the industry, i fell for her game of numbers, I believed I actually had a real balance of huge profits and before I realized what was happening I had already invested everything I had saved up with them. I couldn’t bear the loss so I set out looking for help, it wasn’t an easy decision picking the right company to consult as I came across many different recovery agents/companies but in the end, it was worth the risk. I decided to go with SWIFT ASSETS RECOVERY Team on my third attempt through one of their contact channels on WhatsApp +1 (786) 684-0501 and I explained my plight to the team, well to round up my story, the team recovered my funds from the scam company in 72 hours of serious efforts unlike the previous recovery companies. Also the team is active on email SWIFTRECOVERYSERVICE006@ GMAIL.COM Or Telegram @SWIFT_HACKING Website

  • #33

    jennifer bryner (Samstag, 06 Juli 2024 18:48)


    I'm forever grateful to Jetwebhackers for their remarkable assistance in recovering the $38,540 I had lost to a crypto scam. This amount was meant to cover my husband's urgent hospital bills, and I was deceived by a fraudster posing as Agent David, who promised me a return of $380,940 - but it was all a scam. Thanks to Jetwebhackers' expertise and dedication, I was able to recover not only the initial investment but also the profit I was promised. Their help has been a blessing to my family, and we can now focus on my husband's recovery without financial stress. I highly recommend Jetwebhackers to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto scams. They are professional, efficient, and compassionate. Thank you, Jetwebhackers, for your exceptional service and support during a difficult time!"CONTACT THEM VIA

    EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com

    TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

  • #34

    JAMES smith (Montag, 08 Juli 2024 12:13)

    All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across ETHICALAHCKERS which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ETHICALHACKERS009 @ OR CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 if you need access to your partner’s phone

  • #35

    Amy Fallows (Mittwoch, 10 Juli 2024 18:32)

    HAVE YOU LOST YOUR CREDIT CARD? DO YOU WANT TO GET YOUR STOLEN BTC,USDT,OR ETH BACK?The feeling of losing one's cryptocurrency can be extremely distressing,especially since it is nearly hard to get back a lost or stolen cryptocurrency coin.All that crosses a person's mind when they are defrauded of their money when investing on a cryptocurrency platform is how to report the company and recover their losses.The majority of scam victims get in touch with their bank,wallet account provider,or law enforcement;a small number even hire an attorney to file a lawsuit against the business,but despite all of this stress,they still aren't able to get their money back.Please,everyone should exercise caution when making financial investments.The use of cryptocurrency has made a great deal of people wealthy but also broke and desperate.I was referred to CYBERETRIEVE a few weeks ago,and with their help,I was able to recover every USDT coin that had been stolen.CYBERETRIEVE is a trustworthy and sincere company that I suggest if you want to recover your lost or stolen them via

  • #36

    Annie McDuffie's (Montag, 22 Juli 2024 04:05)

    Being a victim to scam can lead to depression and it's really devastating. I fell victim to them on Tiktok when a profile with thousands of followers and engagement convinced me to be my favorite celebrity Keanu Reeves. I first paid for membership and other request for money kept popping up till i get fed up giving them my money which ran into thousands of dollars. I reported to the authorities after my bank placed a hold on my bank and made me understand the fraud going on and it prompted my survival instincts. I went on YouTube and google in search of ways i can recover my stolen funds from these heartless scammers. Testimonies of different recovery agencies kept popping up but that of "REFUNDD POLICI RECOVERY SERVICES'' really got my attention and i gave them a trial after hesitating and finally seeking God's guidance in prayers.
    They Successfully recovered and returned my funds to me using the information and evidence i provided including the bitcoin addresses of the scammers.
    Here's information to reach Refundd Polici Recovery Services Incase you or your love ones ever fall into similar situations.
    WhatsAp: +1 605963 9055

  • #37

    Crystal Salford (Donnerstag, 25 Juli 2024 12:02)

    As digital assets continue to revolutionize the financial world, the decentralized and pseudonymous nature of blockchain technology adds another layer of risks and complexities. Without the right knowledge, recovering lost assets is no picnic, and in my experience, tracking down, identifying, and recovering these financial assets can be incredibly difficult, especially in high-profile scams. From hacks to user error and forgotten passwords and private keys misplacement, there are numerous ways to lose access to your valuable assets, but recovery is possible, no matter how difficult it seems. My own adventure ended abruptly on the eve of Valentine's Day, and I was devastated to discover that my account had been flagged and all assets on the platform I was trading on had disappeared. However, competent recovery firms like ICC Recovery Service employed combination of cutting-edge tools and techniques to handle even the most complex lost asset cases. They immediately conducted an investigation when I contacted and provided the necessary information to initiate a recovery case. After extensive discussions and hard work, they were able to recover my assets from the fraudulent platform within 4 business days. I am publishing this review voluntarily because ICC Recovery Service is a lifesaver in the data recovery industry. If you are unsure about which data recovery service to choose, know that ICC helped me and you are no exception. For the justice you seek, you can put your money on ICC Recovery.

    Contact addresses:
    Email: ( )
    W/App: (+1-(623) 688-6815)
    Email: ( )

  • #38

    Lee jun ho (Donnerstag, 25 Juli 2024 17:24)


    Because of its extensive expertise and specialist understanding in bitcoin recovery, Optimistic Hacker Gaius distinguishes itself. its staff keeps up to date by constantly upgrading its skills and tactics in light of the constantly changing landscape of digital assets. The skilled hackers at Optimistic Hacker Gaius can locate and retrieve lost or stolen BTC/USDT by using cutting-edge hacking tools and methods. Their track record of successfully recovering money for many clients speaks volumes about their abilities, and they have gained a reputation for dependability and industry knowledge. Go to the following whatsapp contact and Messenger; +4..4..7..7..3..5.2.. correspondence email… optimistichackergaius @

  • #39

    Lee jun ho (Donnerstag, 25 Juli 2024 17:25)


    Because of its extensive expertise and specialist understanding in bitcoin recovery, Optimistic Hacker Gaius distinguishes itself. its staff keeps up to date by constantly upgrading its skills and tactics in light of the constantly changing landscape of digital assets. The skilled hackers at Optimistic Hacker Gaius can locate and retrieve lost or stolen BTC/USDT by using cutting-edge hacking tools and methods. Their track record of successfully recovering money for many clients speaks volumes about their abilities, and they have gained a reputation for dependability and industry knowledge. Go to the following whatsapp contact and Messenger; +4..4..7..7..3..5.2.. correspondence email… optimistichackergaius @

  • #40

    Lee jun ho (Donnerstag, 25 Juli 2024 17:26)


    Because of its extensive expertise and specialist understanding in bitcoin recovery, Optimistic Hacker Gaius distinguishes itself. its staff keeps up to date by constantly upgrading its skills and tactics in light of the constantly changing landscape of digital assets. The skilled hackers at Optimistic Hacker Gaius can locate and retrieve lost or stolen BTC/USDT by using cutting-edge hacking tools and methods. Their track record of successfully recovering money for many clients speaks volumes about their abilities, and they have gained a reputation for dependability and industry knowledge. Go to the following whatsapp contact and Messenger; +4..4..7..7..3..5.2.. correspondence email… optimistichackergaius @

  • #41

    Lee jun ho (Donnerstag, 25 Juli 2024 17:27)


    Because of its extensive expertise and specialist understanding in bitcoin recovery, Optimistic Hacker Gaius distinguishes itself. its staff keeps up to date by constantly upgrading its skills and tactics in light of the constantly changing landscape of digital assets. The skilled hackers at Optimistic Hacker Gaius can locate and retrieve lost or stolen BTC/USDT by using cutting-edge hacking tools and methods. Their track record of successfully recovering money for many clients speaks volumes about their abilities, and they have gained a reputation for dependability and industry knowledge. Go to the following whatsapp contact and Messenger; +4..4..7..7..3..5.2.. correspondence email… optimistichackergaius @

  • #42

    Quincy Wallace (Donnerstag, 05 September 2024 02:29)

    Being duped by dubious sources may make investing online so chaotic and unexpected. I was defrauded of BTC worth $210,000. Until I was told about Refund Policy recovery, I was upset and thought I had lost everything. Because of my past interactions, I was at first hesitant, but since a trustworthy buddy had recommended it to me and I had already lost a significant amount of money, I decided to give it a try. I got in touch with Refund Polici Recovery by email: In contrast to what I expected, Refund Polici Recovery was shockingly successful in recovering all of my lost money. Wa sapp:+1, 605, 963.9055
    If you are out there and have had your hard-earned money stolen, contact Refund Polici Recovery and they'd be able to help you get your money back. Even though they charge for their service, it is worth it.
    Get to it immediately- RefunddPolici(@) Gmailcom or visit their Telegram: RefunddPolici

  • #43

    Lisa Sambath (Freitag, 13 September 2024 02:45)

    How to Hire the Best Crypto Recovery Expert — REFUND POLICI RECOVERY SERVICE
    Investors are becoming increasingly concerned about the possibility of losing money in the ever-changing world of cryptocurrencies due to a variety of issues like hacking, frauds, or basic human mistake. Selecting a trustworthy and knowledgeable crypto recovery specialist becomes crucial in such risky circumstances. REFUND POLICI RECOVERY SERVICE is a well-known American company that stands out for its proficiency, impressive client success rate, and positive customer reviews.
    How can I recover my stolen bitcoin from an investment scam?
    What is the best recovery company to help me recover my stolen Bitcoins?
    How to Hire a Hacker to Recover Stolen Crypto/Bitcoin?
    Can a hacked crypto be recovered? Yes, Go to REFUND POLICI RECOVERY SERVICE
    Best Cryptocurrency Recovery Company
    Email address.... (Refunddpolici @Gmail. com)
    WhatsApp: +1, 605, 963.9055 / +1 ( 972. 9 9 8 2 7 5 5
    Telegram ....... @ Refunddpolici

  • #44

    evelyn murphy (Freitag, 27 September 2024 18:44)

    Hello you can contact SUPERIOR . HACK @ GMAIL . COM OR WHATSAPP +14106350697 for all your hacking jobs and pi jobs they are the best at what they do and they are very discreet helped i and my friend recover our stolen cryptocurrency and helped with our credit score they have 100% refund policy also contact and thank me later

  • #45

    lemi (Samstag, 28 September 2024 03:38)

    I want to tell the world, that the illuminati is real because i have
    seen the benefit of being a member of the illuminati, i have tried to
    join the illuminati some many times, i have been scammed alot, but i
    did not give up because i know if i find the real illuminati, my life
    will be changed forever so i did not stop, until one day i found the
    real illuminati official email and phone number, if you want to join
    the real illuminati, i want you to know that i can direct you to the
    really illuminati official email and phone number, brothers/sisters
    who is interested or who have be scammed so many times like me, that
    still have interest to join the illuminati because you believed that
    if you join your life will be changed, you do not have to worry about
    anything because i am here to show you all the right way to join the
    real illuminati, i want you all to know that to join the real
    illuminati it is free, you will not be ask to pay for any fee, all the
    process is free to join the illuminati, because when i joined the real
    illuminati i did not pay for any fee, when i was totally initiated to
    the illuminati, i was given so many benefits as a new member, i can
    tell you one of the benefits i was give an instant $2,000,000.00 to
    start a new life, brothers/sisters that have interest to join the
    illuminati, this is the real illuminati official email: and the illuminati phone call center
    or WhatsApp number is +1 (229) 929‑9894 you can contact the illuminati
    official email or WhatsApp number of how to join its free to join the

  • #46

    Kyle (Freitag, 04 Oktober 2024 15:06)

    Mein Zeugnis darüber, wie ich Mitglied der Illuminaten wurde. Ich möchte Menschen kennenlernen, die sich den großen Illuminaten als großartiges Mitglied der Illuminati anschließen wollen und mich als großartiges Mitglied haben wollen. Sein Name ist Lord Damian Philips. Hilf mir, mein Leben aus der Todesphase zurückzugewinnen. Entlassung nach etwa 5 Jahren und sechs Monaten. Nachdem er von so vielen Mitgliedern der Illuminaten verraten wurde. Im Laufe der Jahre war ich hoffnungslos und finanziell am Boden. Aber eines Tages stieß ich beim Stöbern im Internet auf den Beitrag des großen Mitglieds der Illuminaten, Lord Damian Philips, und sagte, dass man berühmt, reich und erfolgreich im Leben sein kann, wenn man eines der großen Illuminaten-Mitglieder wäre. Ich habe ihn kontaktiert und ihm alles erklärt und er hat mir die Registrierung empfohlen und ich habe für das große Mitglied bezahlt, um mir den Einstieg zu erleichtern, und ich wurde in den Weltorden der Illuminaten eingeweiht. Danach gaben sie mir alle Richtlinien und ließen mich wissen, dass neue Mitglieder nach der Aufnahme mit einem Betrag von 1.000.000 US-Dollar in bar belohnt werden. Mit der Hilfe von Lord Damian Philips. Ich wurde vollständig als vollwertiges Mitglied der Illuminaten initiiert. Wenn Sie raten, dass Sie schon einmal einen Betrüger ausprobiert haben oder es bereits versucht haben, liegt es an mir, Ihnen zu helfen, mitzumachen, also versuchen Sie es mit Lord Damian. Es ist Ihre beste Chance, das zu werden, was Sie in Ihrem zukünftigen Leben wollen. Kontaktieren Sie ihn per WhatsApp +234 701 662 2616 oder per E-Mail:

  • #47

    Mirabel (Montag, 07 Oktober 2024 04:55)

    Dies ist mein Zeugnis darüber, wie ich mich endlich der neuen Weltordnung, den Illuminaten, angeschlossen habe, nachdem ich nun schon seit über 2 Jahren versucht habe, beizutreten, aber Betrüger mir mehrmals Geld abgenommen haben. Ich habe so lange versucht, den Illuminaten beizutreten, aber Betrüger nehmen mir immer wieder mein Geld ab, bis ich Anfang dieses Jahres Lord Felix Morgan online traf. Ich kontaktierte ihn und erklärte ihm alles und er empfahl mir die Registrierung und ich bezahlte für die große Mitgliedschaft, um mich einzuarbeiten und ich wurde in die Weltordnung aufgenommen und erhielt nach meiner Aufnahme die Summe von 1.000.000 US-Dollar. Ich bin sehr glücklich! Und ich verspreche, die gute Arbeit von Lord Felix Morgan zu verbreiten. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, heute der neuen Weltordnung, den Illuminaten, beizutreten, kontaktieren Sie Lord Felix Morgan noch heute. Er ist Ihre beste Chance, die Mitgliedschaft bei den Illuminaten zu erlangen, die Sie sich immer gewünscht haben. Kontaktieren Sie Lord Felix Morgan per E-Mail: oder WhatsApp +2348055459757

  • #48

    Damian lahm (Samstag, 12 Oktober 2024 12:57)

    Mein Zeugnis darüber, wie ich Mitglied der Illuminaten wurde. Ich möchte Menschen kennen lernen, die sich den großen Illuminati als großartiges Mitglied anschließen wollen und mich als großartiges Mitglied haben wollen. Sein Name ist Lord Damian Philips. Hilf mir, mein Leben aus der Todesphase zurückzugewinnen. Entlassung nach etwa 5 Jahren und sechs Monaten. Nachdem er von so vielen Mitgliedern der Illuminaten verraten wurde. Im Laufe der Jahre war ich hoffnungslos und finanziell am Boden. Aber eines Tages stieß ich beim Stöbern im Internet auf den Beitrag des großen Mitglieds der Illuminaten, Lord Damian Philips, und sagte, dass man berühmt, reich und erfolgreich im Leben sein kann, wenn man eines der großen Illuminaten-Mitglieder wäre. Ich habe ihn kontaktiert und ihm alles erklärt und er hat mir die Registrierung empfohlen und ich habe für das große Mitglied bezahlt, um mir den Einstieg zu erleichtern, und ich wurde in den Weltorden der Illuminaten eingeweiht. Danach gaben sie mir alle Richtlinien und ließen mich wissen, dass neue Mitglieder nach der Aufnahme mit einem Betrag von 1.000.000 US-Dollar in bar belohnt werden. Mit der Hilfe von Lord Damian Philips. Ich wurde vollständig als vollwertiges Mitglied der Illuminaten initiiert. Wenn Sie raten, dass Sie schon einmal einen Betrüger ausprobiert haben oder es bereits versucht haben, liegt es an mir, Ihnen zu helfen, mitzumachen, also versuchen Sie es mit Lord Damian. Es ist Ihre beste Chance, das zu werden, was Sie in Ihrem zukünftigen Leben wollen. Kontaktieren Sie ihn per WhatsApp +234 701 662 2616 oder per E-Mail: